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Self Care Isn't Selfish!

Through therapy I've learned how to put me first. Putting yourself first is called Self-care. One thing I've learned is that I cannot pour from an empty cup I have to fill the cup myself with things that make me happy and that are beneficial to me and my well being. It has helped me with my relationship with my husband, kids, and friends. I started reading again, meditating, letting those around me be responsible for themselves and accepting help from others. By introducing self-care into my daily life has made me better mentally, the panic attacks have subsided, and I'm learning to handle my anxiety attacks when they do come.


Recite this to yourself daily:

Today is going to be a great day!

I have the freedom and power to create the life I love.

I have a strong, healthy body and a clear mind.

Self love is my divine right and I accept it.

I wake up in the morning feeling energetic and enthusiastic about life.

I am thankful for every moment.

I accept me for me.

Amazing opportunities are offered to me.

I have more than enough money to live the life I love.

I choose faith over fear.



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