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WHY? Because I am strong I am sexy I am unstoppable...

I did a lot of going back and forth with myself about my next steps to take towards my fitness journey and weight watchers popped in my mind because they have the meetings and all these different ways to support their members. I signed up on Tuesday went to my first meeting on Tuesday and they weighed me upon arrival. The crowd was of older women, and I was alresdy skeptical and felt like I didn't belong. A few minutes in these ladies had me dying they were so funny, down to earth and honest. They celebrate all the small and big victories make you feel like every little step u take in the right direction is a celebration. Afterwards the newbies stayed behind and the facilitator better explained the program and ensured me that I can reach support 24/7 that meant so much to me... Now it's time to figure out my why and she's explaining to us how to do that so I was asked a few questions to find my why because my reason for wanting to lose weight has nothing to do with health issues and a lot to do with how I feel in my body. And the facilitator said people confuse goals with their why and that made so much sense to me. Why do you want to get healthier? I'm tired of feeling tired, I'm tired of not having energy, I'm tired of not feeling completely confident in my skin. What does that look like to me? How would my life be different? Being able to do anything without having to need a nap afterwards, being able to get dress and not second guess how I look. Now I was told to put it all together to form my why... I want to feel strong, I want to be toned, I want to feel sexy in my skin, I want to be more energized to be able to be more active. To remember my WHY I am to recite: I AM STRONG , I AM TONED, I AM SEXY, AND I WILL MOVE MORE... I really am enjoying this program thus far and the point system is like playing a game and I'm good at games lol... 3 days down many more to go to a healthier me...

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